Life sucks! The struggle is real out there and we all need some encouragement. Movies are a great source of entertainment, but many are great sources for encouragement too. I was talking to some friends recently whom were having a hard time, and even in my own life encouragement is always needed, but it got me thinking about movies and songs and how many of them out there are great examples when needing a pick me up, and I’d like to share these pearls from “Rocky”  and Batman Begins  with you.

You may be dealing with a difficult situation right now, but all the chaos will come to an end. It may not be how you want, or instantly, but in time it will. It can be incredibly difficult while you’re going through it. Literally, it feels like your world is falling apart and you’re not sure how you’ll survive, but you will. You need to believe in yourself and believe that things will get better. It’s also up to us. We determine our own happiness. We can chose to rise above the circumstances, be like Sylvester Stallone’s “Rocky”  – “…it ain’t about how hard you get hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward…”


Look on the brighter side, and I hope you do as you are important, you have a purpose and the world needs someone like you in it.

God gives us the strength to endure all that the world throws at us. He is always with us and sees us through. It is hard to navigate through the difficult situations you’re dealing with and it takes time to get back up on your feet again, but what’s important is that you get back up and keep going. Keep moving forward.  Makes me think of the quote from Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins “Why do we fall…? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.”


The moral of the story, get back up. You got this, and never give up. Keep moving forward.

We are all going through our own version of hell on Earth, but God’s got you. You are not alone… Joshua 1:9 – “Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”.

Hope that this helps you along your journey. Look out for more posts like this in future.

Be inspired. Be an inspiration.
